Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark

Hypnotherapy NewarkIf you are looking for Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark then Balance Hypnosis specialises in helping people to lose weight without using traditional dieting methods. We are aware that there are many different triggers that can cause people to overeat therefore all our programs are tailor-made to suit your individual circumstances. Over a series of sessions, we work with our clients to help them to understand the psychological reasons behind overeating as well as get them to listen to their bodies so that they understand the difference between physical and emotional hunger.*

All our Weight Loss sessions are done as part of a program. If a client has two stones or less to lose and has no significant emotional problems then we usually start with a three-session program. When clients have more than two stones to lose we automatically allocate five sessions minimum for their treatment. This is because helping our clients to make changes takes time, usually between one to two months. Generally, we spread our client’s sessions one to two weeks apart as this allows us to monitor changes between each session. Not all weight loss sessions will be the same as everyone will be different. Here are just some of the reasons why our clients may need to see us:*

  • Binge Eating
  • Emotional Eating
  • Sugar and Chocolate Addiction
  • Using Food as a Reward
  • Eating Due to Anxiety or Stress
  • Lack of Nutritional Knowledge
  • Incorrect Portion Control

These are just some of the issues that our weight loss hypnosis in Newark deals with. During our first session together we take a comprehensive case history from you so that we can get a greater understanding of where your problems lie. Usually, if we have time we also conduct a suggestion hypnosis session at the end of the session tailored around your particular issues. At the end of the session, you will be sent a weight loss audio download to listen to before the next session. This download helps to deliver suggestions in between the sessions and also helps you to relax further to your therapist’s voice. In further sessions, the work will become more interactive which means that you will be talking to your therapist in the sessions so that we can start to investigate patterns of behaviour stuck in the subconscious. For clients who are unable to attend sessions in person we also sell weight loss programs in our online store:*

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Newarkbuy now

For more information about our weight loss hypnotherapy Newark or for details on any of our other treatments call us today for a free telephone consultation. We can be reached on:

01636 650 521

Disclaimer*Please note that as this is a form of therapy we are unable to guarantee results which may vary from person to person.