Hypnosis for Social Anxiety

social anxiety hypnosis NottinghamHypnosis for Social Anxiety in Nottingham

If you suffer from worries or anxiety about social situations then you may have what is called a social phobia. This is a form of anxiety disorder that typically starts in childhood and follows you into adulthood. Our Clinical Hypnosis for Social Anxiety in Nottingham is designed to help our clients understand more about their condition and help them to find ways to manage their symptoms and take back control.*

Tel: 01636 650 521

Hypnotherapy for Social Anxiety

There are two main types of social phobia and they are:

Generalised Social Anxiety – This is an anxiety disorder that involves a fear of being judged by others or being embarrassed because of what you may have done in front of others. Social anxiety disorder is very common but can be extremely debilitating if left to develop. Hypnotherapy sessions can be helpful in addressing self-consciousness and improving social skills.

Specific Social Anxiety– This is where the fear of phobia is only triggered in very specific situations such as when you are public speaking. The trigger situation is usually linked to a social or performance situation. A specific social fear can create intense anxiety but with help from clinical hypnosis or cognitive behavioural therapy, it is possible to control the physical symptoms and change how you think.*

If one of our clients has a social anxiety disorder they tend to feel anxious about appearing stupid in front of others and that makes them feel self-conscious and makes them fear embarrassment.

This means that if they are due to attend a social gathering they may worry about meeting the people attending and saying something that will make them look foolish. This worry about saying or doing the wrong thing also links to fears that the people they meet may make negative comments or laugh at them.

If they do make a minor mistake a social anxiety disorder can make them worry or broody about this problem for weeks and sometimes months after the event is over.

Over time anxiety disorders can take over leaving the person with the problem avoiding social situations to try and reduce anxiety. The only problem is that this can isolate them and make the social anxiety disorder worse.

If social anxiety disorders are not treated by a mental health professional, therapist, or medical doctor they can get progressively worse. Eventually, this condition can impact a person’s ability to do well are work, integrate with their family or make new relationships. This can lead to mental health conditions such as depression, loneliness, poor confidence, and low self-esteem. Our Hypnotherapy for Social Anxiety in Nottingham can be an effective treatment to help alter those negative feelings and change the way that people think.*

Tel: 01636 650 521

Self-Hypnosis for Social Anxiety Disorder

If you are unable to attend our clinics we sell an online anxiety course and hypnosis downloads to assist with anxiety in our online store. Self-hypnosis for social anxiety downloads can be a helpful way to manage anxiety as they help to calm the mind and change negative subconscious thought patterns.

To reduce anxiety practice self-hypnosis audios daily for at least 21 days. Our anxiety audios and online course have downloads to help with panic attacks, anxiety, relaxation as well as negative thinking patterns.

Self Hypnosis Social Anxiety

Tel: 01636 650 521

Social Phobia Symptoms

If you have social anxiety disorder then here are some of the symptoms that you may experience. These are linked to the body going into fight or flight mode which can create physical and psychological symptoms.

Blushing in public
Feeling sick when in front of others
Excessive Sweating
Stammering over your words
Feeling shaky
Dry Mouth
Fast heart rate
Feeling highly anxious

Hypnosis for Social Confidence

When you suffer from social anxiety it can have a deep and profound impact on your life. Here are just some areas where people may experience a problem.

Social Life – When a person has social anxiety they find it difficult to communicate with other people which means it can be difficult to make friends. They are likely to have a small group of friends that they have known for years and shy away from building new friendships.

As people with social anxiety don’t like to be the centre of attention they are less likely to attend parties or go to pubs or clubs to meet other people preferring to spend their time alone. People with social anxiety are much more likely to live at home with their parents and spend a good portion of their time leading a relatively solitary existence for fear of making a fool of themselves in public. Isolation only serves to make any psychological problems worse.

Relationships – If you suffer from social anxiety building romantic relationships feels hard if not impossible. As social anxiety makes you less likely to socialise then clearly meeting your soul mate is going to be difficult.

Even if you are able to meet people for example at work you may find it difficult to strike up conversations and put yourself in a situation where they can ask a person out or socialise outside of work. This is the reason why many people with social anxiety are either single or have got together with the first person they felt brave enough to connect with.

Hypnotherapy works by helping people to address their fears and create positive change by helping to challenge negative thinking.

Work – When you suffer from social anxiety it is much more likely that you will enter into a profession where there is little or no need to mix with the general public. The idea of having a career that involves sales or public speaking is usually out of the question which means that the job market for your talents becomes limited. The more limited the job opportunities are the more likely it is that your social anxiety will make you earn less or be less likely to get a job where there are career prospects or promotions.

Hypnotherapy for social anxiety helps to change the unconscious mind so that you feel more confident and in control.

Why do People Get Social Anxiety?

Most of our clients come to see us and describe themselves as naturally shy people or lacking in confidence. They believe that they were born with social anxiety and that this is who they naturally are but this isn’t in fact the case. In just about every case of social anxiety, we have seen the person that we were seeing did not always feel anxious in social situations. Instead, they were probably very happy or confident until an incident happened that changed how they felt. This significant early trauma tends to be the catalyst for the problem.

We have had clients who got embarrassed at school by teachers and were so humiliated by the experience they would hide away at the back of the class worried in case the incident happened again.

We have heard of incidents where the person made a fool of themselves in front of their friends and was so ashamed about it that they vowed never to draw attention to themselves again. All of these people suddenly went from outgoing happy people to someone who was withdrawn and anxious all because they were trying to avoid the same things happening to them again.

The message we need to tell you is that yes that younger person didn’t have the resources to cope with that moment and so began to hide away but the older adult would now be able to look back on that situation and react in a totally different way. If we can help our clients remember the initial incident it can have an amazing impact as it enables them to rationalise the underlying cause and reduce the unhelpful feelings surrounding it.

Treating social anxiety by addressing the root cause as well as the current stressors and fears is an effective way of altering old unhelpful thought patterns.*

Hypnotherapy for Social Anxiety Treatment

At Balance Hypnotherapy Nottingham we are experts in dealing with all forms of anxiety. Our hypnosis for social anxiety programs are designed to help you understand where the negative feelings or emotions are coming from so that they can be challenged and managed so that your fears can be brought under control.*

One of the ways in which we help our clients is by teaching them how to use self-hypnosis to alleviate their condition. Self-hypnosis is relaxing and calming and is a great way of controlling anxious feelings. In addition, our hypnotherapy sessions will concentrate on confidence coaching, self-esteem building, and positive visualisation to bring about change.*

If necessary we may need to work on more analytical hypnosis to determine where the problem may have begun. Using specialist techniques we are often able to go back into your memories to find out where the issue started. Once we are aware of why the problem began it is often easier to see that incident in a new light so that you can move forward.*

Booking Your Social Anxiety Hypnosis Sessions

For more information about our Hypnosis for Social Anxiety in Nottinghamshire or more details about any of our anxiety work then please call us today for a free confidential discussion on:

Tel: 01636 650 521

* Please note that as this is a form of therapy we are unable to guarantee results which may vary from person to person

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