Hypnosis for Stress Nottingham
Hypnotherapy for stress is a tool that can be used to help you control life’s day to day pressures and make you feel calmer and more in control. Stress issues and anxiety are interlinked and both create mental and emotional pressure that can impact your well-being. When stress is left unchecked it can create issues such as anger, panic attacks and mental health issues. Stress hypnosis can help with negative thought patterns and create positive change.
Each of us reacts to stress in different ways and in fact many cases of stress can be useful. If you need to deal with a deadline for example that feeling of stress may enable you to finish your work quickly as it gives you a sense of urgency and motivates you to work harder. Some people thrive on dealing with stress on a day-to-day basis but if more and more stress is piled on you then it can impact your health and emotional state.
Stress management therapy with a clinical hypnotherapist is a way of taking that important first step to changing negative thoughts and improving your well-being.
Can Hypnotherapy Help With Stress?
Studies have shown that hypnotherapy is a highly effective way of helping people to reduce stress and feel calmer without the need to resort to medication.
As hypnotherapy is an incredibly safe and natural phenomenon it does not have any of the harmful side effects that medication can give you. This makes it a great way of helping people manage stressful events in their lives.
Hypnosis for stress generally works well when it is combined with therapy to deal with lifestyle issues as well. This is because some stress will not be created by others but by issues that are under our control. Therapy can help you to assess what could trigger stress in your life and help you find ways to manage those events or situations.
Hypnosis for Stress and Anxiety
All of the following can create a feeling of stress in an individual:
- Illness
- Work
- Money Worries
- Driving Tests
- Divorce
- Bereavement
- Family
- Relationships
- Exams
Sometimes this stress may be short-lived such as the build-up to a driving test. With this scenario, our Hypnotherapy for Stress in Nottingham teaches you coping mechanisms and confidence building so that you reduce your nerves. Once the test is over then the stress will disappear quickly and no longer impact how you feel.
Longer terms stress however may gradually creep up on you bit by bit piling on the pressure so that you feel you are unable to cope any longer. In the case of longer-term stress, our techniques are tailored so that you are able to think about your triggers in a different way so that you feel calmer.*
Self-Hypnosis for Stress Download
Did you know that you can learn to manage your stress at home using the power of self-hypnosis? Self-hypnosis is a tool that can help you with stress relief as it is a method of getting you into a calmer frame of mind.
Self-hypnosis for stress management helps you get into a deeply relaxed state and whilst you are in this zone your worries start to reduce. You should also find that your body will experience deep relaxation and your mind can start to switch off from day-to-day worries.
During the self-hypnosis, you will also be hearing suggestions that can help to calm your subconscious mind as well as help you think about your problems in a different way. This can help you to cope with stress better providing you take the time to practice the audio download daily as the impact is cumulative.
Get help to manage your stress by purchasing our Relaxation MP3 Download to use in the comfort of your own home. You can buy it now in our online store for use today.
Hypnosis for Stress Relief
The symptoms of stress are sometimes ignored but over a period of time, they can be debilitating and affect your physical health and your emotional well-being. Just some of the symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Tiredness
- Anxiety
- Sleep Problems
- Impaired Judgement
- Increased drinking/smoking
- Depression
- Irritability
- Loss of Confidence in social situations
- Problems with your immune system
- Illness
Spotting the early signs of stress and making lifestyle changes are important as prolonged stress can cause more serious illnesses.
Too many people put off seeing someone to help with stress-related problems in the hope that they can deal with the problem themselves. However, in many cases, the problem continues to get worse which leads them to have a difficult time for months or even years.
Seeking help from someone with the relevant experience and qualifications can make a big difference and prevent stress from taking over your life and making you miserable.*
Hypnotherapy For Stress Treatments – How They Work
At your initial assessment in your first hypnosis session, you will be asked a series of detailed questions so that we can identify your sources of stress and how they impact your life.
Stress cannot be dealt with in isolation and needs to be looked at in conjunction with your life and lifestyle. This assessment helps to assist us in identifying areas where we can make a difference and also helps us tailor hypnotic suggestions to your particular needs.
We understand that it may be impossible to eliminate all stress from your life however we will give you tools that will help you to respond to that stressor in a more positive way. Our aim is to teach you hypnosis techniques that will help you to reduce your stress so that you will feel more relaxed and calm on a day-to-day basis. This can help to alleviate any stress symptoms that you may have so you feel more in control.
During our sessions, we tend to use a number of different techniques to help create change including mindfulness, breathing techniques, coaching, NLP, and relaxation techniques.
Using Analytical or Regression Hypnosis
Whilst a lot of the stress response can be related to problems in the now some clients have a higher likelihood of experiencing issues because of past learned experiences. This is particularly the case when anxiety is involved as well.
Analytical therapy combined with regression therapy helps to trace back the origin of the problem by helping people to remember the events that started their issues. Treating anxiety and stress using these methods can help you to understand and rationalise why you may be experiencing problems more than other people.
It can also help us as therapists to aim our therapy at the actual problem rather than offering generic solutions which are not tailored to your particular needs.
Analytical or regression hypnosis may not always be needed where stress is involved but if we feel it may be useful it would be discussed with you during your sessions.
Hypnosis for Stress Eating
Stress and anxiety issues can also have an impact on the way that you eat. Stress eating is a common problem where people turn to food in order to manage their stress which leads to weight gain and low self-esteem and self-confidence. Hypnosis for stress eating looks at ways in which you can change these old unwanted habits to help your general health.
If in our initial free consultation, we find there are problems with stress eating we may suggest combining your sessions with weight loss hypnosis. Our treatment plan can be tailored to your individual needs which means that we may use other therapies to remove obstacles that are preventing you from success.
We also regularly see that issues such as nail biting, smoking, and even pain can be linked with stress issues. If it makes sense to do so we may also work with you on pain management or stop smoking in addition to our work on stress.
Online Therapy For Stress and Anxiety
If you want help managing mental health conditions such as stress or anxiety we are able to offer online therapy sessions to you worldwide via software such as Zoom or Skype.
Online hypnosis for stress works just as well whether you are in the room with your therapist or not. We actually prefer our clients working with us from their own homes because it actually assists us in helping them to relax faster. This is because you are in a familiar environment, not a strange clinic that allows hypnosis to work more quickly.
The relaxation techniques and therapy we use are all designed to be used in online hypnosis sessions.
Please call us for more information on how we can help you to manage stress using our online approach.
How Many Hypnotherapy Sessions Will I Need?
Most people we see for help with the mental and physical symptoms of stress will need somewhere on average between 3 and 6 sessions of hypnosis. Each of our hypnosis sessions lasts for one hour.
We ask all our clients to commit to a minimum of three sessions if they are working with us.
Hypnosis for Stress and Anxiety
We offer all our clients a short free initial consultation on the phone so that we can discuss your problem in more detail.
Our therapy sessions combine clinical hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, coaching, and stress reduction training to lower stress and anxiety levels. We offer a confidential service and evening appointments during the week.
Feel free to contact us about Hypnotherapy for Stress in Nottingham on:
Disclaimer*Please note that as this is a form of therapy we are unable to guarantee results that may vary from person to person.
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