Hypnotherapy for Depression Nottingham
Figures have just been announced to show that 3.8 million people were treated for depression in the UK in the last year which is over 8% of the population. This shows that depression is an illness that impacts huge numbers of the country. If you are suffering from depression you may find that you feel sad, have a lack of interest in things going on around you and a low mood that has lasted longer than a couple of days. Whether your depression is mild or severe it is important to get help to change the way your feel as soon as possible. Our Hypnosis for Depression Nottingham can help you to change the way you feel about things with a structured program of therapy.*
Hypnosis for Depression and Anxiety
If you suffer from depression you may find that you also experience feelings of anxiety. It can hard to be tell which problem arrived first but it is likely that the two problems are linked. With Hypnosis for Depression Nottingham, we are working with you first to try and alter your general mood. Initially, we concentrate on deep relaxation and positive suggestions to assist you in changing the way your subconscious thinks. As you grow stronger then we can also start to work with you to find out why the feelings of depression or anxiety may be there. Sometimes the reasons are obvious such as bereavement or a job loss but in many cases, it can be difficult to trace why the feelings persist. Hypnosis is a great way of assisting our clients to find the answers and then creating a plan of action to alter what is happening.*
Symptoms of Depression
Depression does not only impact you psychologically but also physically and socially as well. Here are just some of the problems that you may be currently experiencing.
- Worry
- Fear
- Feeling worthless
- Insomnia
- Negative Thoughts
- Low Mood and self-esteem
- Loneliness
- Loss of libido
- Muscle aches
- Feeling sick
- Weight gain or loss
- Lack of energy and motivation
- Tiredness
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Loss of motivation at work
- Use of artificial stimulants to dissociate from feelings
- Relationship problems with a partner
Causes of Depression
There are a number of reasons why our clients may experience depression and here are just some of the reasons that we see regularly at our clinics
Stress and Anxiety – People are only capable of taking so much stress before they begin to suffer from anxiety symptoms. Most people will have felt anxious at one point but if the anxiety is prolonged then it is more likely that the person with the problem will begin to feel depressed. Living with anxious feelings is frightening and upsetting and can impact your mood. We help our clients to reduce their anxiety symptoms which in turn can help with feelings of depression.*
Medical Issues or Illness – If you have recently had a significant medical issue, have undergone traumatic surgery, or have a long-term illness then depression is more likely. As an example, it is thought that anywhere between 20 to 60% of cancer patients will suffer from depression. This is a recognised problem and it is important that if you feel in any way depressed then it is important to get help to alleviate the problem.*
Genetics/Family – There are still many discussions about whether depression is genetically passed down through families. Whether this is the case or not it is certainly true that if you have grown up in a family where one or more of the parents suffered from depression then you are more likely to have the problem as well. Part of the reason for this may be because of the difficulties and upset that depression can create in a family leaving the children in the family more vulnerable to this problem. If you suffer from depression caused by family issues then we would explore these issues during our sessions.
Loneliness – If you feel that you are lonely or isolated then you may also suffer from depression.
Drugs and Alcohol – Drugs and alcohol change people’s moods and when they are taken to excess they can create significant problems. For example, it is known that cannabis can create not only depression but more severe mental health disorders in some people.
Post Natal – Post-natal depression is now well recognised and most new mothers are aware that these feelings may appear. Part of the reason for the increased likelihood for depression is because of hormonal changes in addition to the pressure of looking after a newborn baby.
Benefits of Hypnosis for Depression
Hypnosis is an entirely natural treatment based on a deep state of relaxation where you communicate with the subconscious mind. Consciously you may wish to get better and to change however if a part of your subconscious feels the need to stay depressed then there will be no changes. Medication may be absolutely essential for some people in the short term however it does not help in resolving the real reasons for the problem. Hypnosis can help as questions can be asked during the sessions to help you identify what the real problem is and tackle it at the root. Generally, our treatments are suitable for mild to moderate depression although we may work with other forms if your GP has provided a letter to say that our treatment may be helpful.*
In addition to using talking therapies for depression, additional approaches can be used to help and these include:
Group therapy – Some of our clients also choose to speak with other people in a similar situation and find that this can really help with the process.
Medication – Although hypnotherapy is an entirely natural process it may be necessary for you to take medication to help with your condition. We are aware that many people are wary of taking medication in case they become addicted however with careful discussion and management by your doctor this is not the case. Many of our clients have found talking therapy together with medication made a significant improvement to their condition.
Exercise – It is well known that exercise can help with the problem of depression therefore we recommend that every client who is capable should take some form of gentle exercise every day.
Arranging a Booking With Us
If you would like to talk to us about our Hypnosis for Depression Nottingham or would like help with anxiety then please contact us today via our email contact form or by calling us today.
* Please note that as this is a form of therapy we are unable to offer guarantees and results may vary from person to person.
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